Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Seattle buys 35 Nissan Leaf for $ 1 million

The city of Seattle in the United States has passed an order for 35 Nissan Leaf to increase its regular fleet. According to the mayor of the city, this purchase is an investment that will allow Seattle to save more in the long term.

Seattle ecological or ambition of an American city

In February 2010, the city of Seattle has launched a major project to make the city the first city "climate neutral" in North America. Its objective is then to reach the threshold of zero emission greenhouse gas emissions per capita by 2030.
Seattle has made a step towards this goal by purchasing 35 new Nissan Leaf, vehicles complying with the zero emissions concept. To achieve its goal, the city does not hesitate to invest 30 000 dollars on each of the Nissan Leaf, more than $ 1 million in total.

Spend more now to save in the future

At a time when Seattle is facing financial difficulties, some residents are quick to criticize this major investment. It's the mayor, Mike McGinn, to convince them that this procedure will purchase the "Emerald City" to save almost 4000 dollars a year on every vehicle in its regular fleet.
Mr. McGinn says supports his argument that the Leaf and requires much less maintenance than conventional vehicles. Since Leaf only uses electric batteries as main power sources, the city will be able to save more fuel and motor oils.

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