Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fire Insurance

This provides a type of insurance protection to compensate for the losses.And damage to movable property (contents) and immovable (plants,commercial offices, the role of housing) and the resulting risk of fire, and canexpand coverage to include other types of dangers, such as:

  • Theft  And theft can be defined by three things:
1 - take your money of others.
2 - to be taking this to hide and conceal oneself.
3 - The money is scoring.
If these three things are stolen
  • Explosion
  • The fall of the aircraft
  • Storms, cyclones and floods
  • Earthquakes.

The earthquake is a natural phenomenon is a fast followed by a groundvibration Bartdadat called seismic waves, and this is due to return breaks the rock and removing it because of the accumulation of internal stresses as a result of geological effects caused by the movement of plate tectonics.May arise as a result of earthquake or volcanic activities as a result of the presence of landslides in the layers of the earth.
Cause earthquakes to rupture of the earth and the depletion of springs or the appearance of springs new or rises and falls in the earth's crust and also cause high waves under the sea (the tsunami) as well as its destructive to buildings, transportation and facilities and often result in movements ofconvection in Almtkor Mori (Asthenosphere) that drive plate Continental margin, causing the occurrence of earthquakes are earthquakes. Theearthquakes may occur in ruins Ckbyrao determine the degree ofquake-index and measured by from 1 to 10: 1 to 4 earthquakes may notoccur any damage which may be felt as only, from 4 to 6 moderate earthquakes damage may cause damage to homes and residences, while the maximum score any of the 7 to 10 He can count the earthquakedestroyed the city completely, and dug under the ground until they disappearwith damage to the nearby towns
  • Riots, strikes and intentional harm
  • Damage caused by vehicles rammed
  • Collapse
  • Strikes and disturbances
  • Impact
  • Consequential losses (loss of profit)

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